how to get over a soul tie

How to get over a Soul Tie

How to get over a Soul Tie

how to get over a soul tie

Have you ever felt a deep connection with someone that lingers long after the relationship has ended? This intense bond, often referred to as a “soul tie,” can leave us feeling bound to another person in ways that are hard to explain. If you know, you know.

Soul ties can form through various types of relationships, from romantic and sexual partnerships to close friendships and even business partnerships. While some soul ties can be a good thing and enrich our lives, helping us to learn important life lessons and grow others, especially toxic soul ties, can hinder our emotional and spiritual well-being.

Especially,  in today’s world, where we are all connected and where social media provides an easy access to keep tabs on past relationships things can get really complex. Getting over a soul tie has become a real challenge for many.  The impact can be overwhelming and influence our mental and physical health, emotional level, and overall quality of life.

Practical tips on overcoming a difficult soulmate relationship

In this post, we’ll explore the different types of soul ties, from healthy relationships that nurture a positive influence to unhealthy and ungodly soul ties that breed negative emotions and hinder our growth. We’ll delve into the symptoms of soul ties, the importance of recognizing a toxic soul tie, and practical, effective ways to break free and heal. Our goal is to empower you to understand the soul tie connection, enabling you to move forward toward healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

If you’re navigating the aftermath of a past romantic relationship, seeking to untangle the emotional ties of a deep friendship, or looking to heal from any kind of soul tie, you’re in the right place. Let’s embark on this journey together, taking the first step toward healing, freedom, and the cultivation of positive, enriching connections in our lives.

Table of Contents

Understanding Soul Ties:

Soul ties are complex, multifaceted connections that transcend mere physical interactions, touching the very essence of our beings. These ties can manifest in various forms, each with its unique characteristics and implications for the individuals involved.

A soul tie extends beyond the physical and emotional plane to connect individuals at a soul level. This soul connection can transcend time and space, with certain soul ties remaining impactful even when physical proximity is not possible. The strength of a soul tie at this level can influence one’s life path, decisions, and emotional well-being.

twinsoul relationship

Understanding the nature of soul ties, from their formation to their impact, requires a recognition of the various types and the ways they can influence our lives. Whether through sexual intimacy, shared emotional experiences, or spiritual alignment, soul ties connect us to others in a deeply significant manner. Recognizing the power of these connections, and the role of our own free will in managing them, is so important for navigating the complexities of our close relationships and fostering our personal and spiritual growth.

How Soul Ties form

As mentioned before, soul ties are formed in various ways. Through sexual intimacy, deep emotional connections, spiritual bonding, or even shared life experiences. Romantic relationships and sexual intimacy are common ways soul ties are formed, given the intense emotional and physical closeness involved. However, soul ties can also emerge from non-romantic relationships, such as close friendships, family ties, and even business partnerships, where there’s a significant emotional investment or shared spiritual journey.

The Role of Free Will

An essential aspect of soul ties is the role of own free will in their formation and continuation. While soul ties can have a significant impact, individuals possess the autonomy to choose which connections to nurture and which to release if they no longer serve their highest good.

How to deal with Soul Ties

Recognizing the type of soul tie is an important step in navigating its impact on our lives. Whether it’s a new look at romantic partners or reassessing business partnerships, understanding the nature of our connections helps in fostering strong relationships and avoiding those that may cause harm or hinder personal growth.

The first time we experience a soul tie, it can be confusing, especially if it’s a sexual sin or a tie formed with the wrong person. It’s a good idea to approach such situations with caution, seeking guidance from a higher power or through practice forgiveness to heal from any negative feelings.

In some cases, sexual relationships and ties with sexual partners might not lead to the right person but serve as lessons guiding us towards healthier connections. Sexual soul ties can have lasting effects, requiring us to take necessary steps towards healing, such as breaking bad soul ties and cultivating good soul ties that align with our values and aspirations.

types of soul relationships

Types of Soul Tie

At the heart of the concept of soul ties is the recognition that not all ties are created equal. The type of soul tie relationship can significantly influence the nature of the relationship and its impact on personal growth and emotional health.

Soul ties are complex connections that deeply impact our lives. Understanding their nature and how they influence us is crucial for personal and spiritual growth. Let’s delve into the different types of soul ties and their characteristics.

Twin Flames and Soul Mates

Origin in Destiny:

Twin flames and soul mates are considered the epitome of soul tie relationships, thought to be predestined connections that offer profound opportunities for personal growth and understanding. They are believed to be two halves of the same soul, reuniting across lifetimes.


These relationships are marked by an intense spiritual connection, strong emotions, and a sense of deep understanding and familiarity. They can challenge and inspire growth in ways that other relationships may not, pushing individuals towards self-realization and mutual evolution.

Learning and Growing:

The journey with a twin flame or soul mate is often filled with lessons about love, self-discovery, and the nature of profound spiritual connection. These ties encourage individuals to confront their shadows, heal old wounds, and embrace their highest potential.

Resolution and Release:

Not all twin flame or soul mate relationships are meant to last a lifetime; some serve as catalysts for growth and change. Recognizing when the soul tie has fulfilled its purpose is crucial, allowing both individuals to move forward with love, respect, and gratitude for the shared journey and lessons learned.

Karmic Soul Ties

Karmic Soul Ties are another profound type of connection that often stem from interactions and relationships in past lives. Unlike the harmonious growth and mutual support found in soul mate or twin flame relationships, karmic soul ties may carry lessons that need to be resolved or balanced in the current lifetime.

Origin in Past Lives:

These ties are believed to originate from our interactions in a past life, where unresolved issues, unlearned lessons, or unfinished business has bound us to another soul. The purpose of a karmic soul tie is not merely to reunite with another soul but to confront and resolve these past issues, facilitating spiritual growth and karmic balance.


Karmic soul ties often manifest as intense, sometimes tumultuous relationships that bring out strong emotions and challenges. While they can offer profound lessons and opportunities for growth, they may also lead to situations where individuals feel inexplicably drawn to the wrong person, experiencing a relationship that seems predestined yet fraught with difficulties.

Learning and Growing:

The essence of navigating a karmic soul tie lies in recognizing the lessons it brings. These relationships push us to confront our deepest fears, patterns, and karmic debts from past lives. By understanding and working through these lessons, individuals can break the cycle, freeing themselves from the repetitive patterns that no longer serve their highest good.

Resolution and Release:

Resolving a karmic soul tie often requires deep introspection, forgiveness, and sometimes the assistance of spiritual or therapeutic practices. Recognizing the karmic patterns at play can empower individuals to make conscious choices, transforming the tie into a catalyst for personal and spiritual development. It’s about moving from a place of karmic debt to one of karmic resolution, where the soul tie no longer holds a binding influence over one’s life choices and emotional well-being.

Sexual Soul Ties

Origin in Intimacy:

Sexual soul ties are formed through sexual activity and intimate relationships, creating a powerful bond due to the deep emotional attachment and intense connection that comes with sexual intimacy.


These ties can be profoundly impactful, fostering a unique closeness and intimacy. However, they can also lead to complications, such as unwanted or bad soul ties, particularly when formed with the wrong person or without genuine consent and alignment with one’s values and desires.

Learning and Growing:

The challenge with sexual soul ties lies in discerning and navigating these complex emotions and connections. Understanding the dynamics at play can help individuals learn from these experiences, recognizing the importance of intention and emotional integrity in forming sexual connections.

Resolution and Release:

Healing from negative sexual soul ties often involves a process of reflection, acknowledging the lessons learned, and consciously choosing to release the tie. This may require forgiveness and a reevaluation of one’s beliefs and patterns around intimacy and relationships.

Emotional Soul Ties

Origin in Connection:

Emotional soul ties arise from deep emotional connections, a strong emotional bond. Whether with family members, romantic partners, or close friends. These ties are built on shared experiences, mutual support, and understanding.


Such ties highlight the beauty of human connection, emphasizing mutual love, empathy, and emotional support. They can be sources of great strength and comfort but also vulnerability if the emotional bond becomes unbalanced or unhealthy.

Learning and Growing:

Navigating emotional soul ties involves understanding the depth of these connections and their impact on our well-being. It teaches the importance of emotional balance, mutual respect, and the growth that comes from sharing and supporting each other’s journeys.

Resolution and Release:

Addressing challenges within emotional soul ties may require open communication, setting healthy boundaries, and sometimes seeking external support to resolve conflicts and strengthen the bond in a healthy way.

Spiritual Soul Ties

Origin in Belief and Faith:

Spiritual soul ties are formed with those who share a similar faith, belief system, or profound spiritual connection. These ties are often felt as a deep resonance and shared spiritual journey, sometimes guided by divine forces like the Holy Spirit.


These soul ties offer a profound sense of connection and support on one’s spiritual path, providing a shared space for spiritual exploration and growth. They can reinforce one’s faith and provide a sense of belonging and understanding.

Learning and Growing:

Through spiritual soul ties, individuals learn the importance of spiritual companionship and the impact of shared faith and beliefs on personal and communal growth. These connections encourage individuals to explore and deepen their spiritual beliefs and practices.

Resolution and Release:

Spiritual growth sometimes means evolving beyond certain spiritual connections. This can involve redefining one’s spiritual beliefs or practices and may require letting go of ties that no longer serve one’s spiritual journey, always aiming to do so with love and gratitude for the shared path.

healing soul mate relationships

How to heal from a Soul Tie

Healing from unwanted soul ties involves practice forgiveness, both towards oneself and the other person involved. This process allows for the release of negative feelings, fostering a new look on intimate relationships and the opportunity to form new relationships that are healthy and fulfilling.

Business partnerships and connections formed out of convenience or without considering the type of relationship can also lead to soul ties, requiring different ways to navigate and potentially untangle these connections

The impact of a soul tie  can be life changing, influencing your emotional well-being, mental health, and even physical health. Positive soul ties can enhance our lives, providing support, love, and encouragement. However, negative soul ties can do the opposite. Such a connection can lead to a range of emotional and spiritual issues, including obsession, emotional pain, and an inability to move forward in life.

Here is how you can identifiy the Soul Connection you are in:

Positive Soul Ties:

These are characterized by mutual respect, love, and the healthy growth of each individual. They are sources of encouragement, strength, and positive influence.

Negative Soul Ties:

Often stem from toxic relationships, ungodly connections, or relationships that have ended but continue to exert a negative influence on our emotional and spiritual well-being.

Recognizing a toxic soul tie is the first step towards healing. Symptoms can include obsessive thoughts about the person, feeling stuck or unable to move on, negative emotions when thinking about the relationship, and even physical symptoms like feeling drained or experiencing physical illness related to the emotional stress.

Steps how to get over a Soul mate

Steps how to get over a Soul Tie

Acknowledging the Soul Tie

The journey to breaking free from a negative soul tie begins with acknowledgment. Recognizing the presence and impact of a soul tie in your life is an essential step. It’s about coming to terms with the connection and its effects, both positive and negative, on your well-being.

Seeking Higher Guidance

For many, turning to a higher power or spiritual guidance offers a source of strength and clarity. Whether it’s through prayer, meditation, or reflective practices, seeking spiritual support can be a powerful tool in understanding and overcoming a soul tie.

Emotional and Spiritual Detox

Detaching from a negative soul tie often requires a period of emotional and spiritual detoxification. This process involves consciously choosing to let go of the emotional attachments and influences tied to the relationship. Practices such as meditation, reiki, journaling, and professional counseling can facilitate this detox, helping to clear negative emotions and patterns.

Setting Boundaries and Practicing Forgiveness

Setting clear boundaries with the individual, whether physically, emotionally, or energetically, is crucial. In cases where contact is unavoidable, such as with family members, establishing emotional boundaries is key. Forgiveness, both of oneself and the other person, plays a significant role in healing. It’s not about excusing behavior but about freeing oneself from the hold of past hurt.

Cultivating New Connections and Self-Care

Healing from a soul tie involves investing in your well-being and forming new, healthy connections. This means nurturing relationships that support your growth, engaging in activities that bring you joy, and prioritizing self-care. Building a network of positive influences and practicing self-love are vital steps in moving forward.

Professional Help

Sometimes, the most effective method to overcome a negative soul tie is to seek professional help. Therapists, counselors, and spiritual advisors can offer personalized guidance and support, providing strategies tailored to your unique situation.

rituals to get over twin soul

Rituals and Practices to Heal and Release Soul Ties

Embarking on the path to sever and heal from unhealthy soul ties requires a multifaceted approach. Rituals and practices that encompass emotional, spiritual, and physical dimensions can offer profound healing and closure. Here, we explore several methods to aid in this transformative process.

Emotional Release Rituals

Letter Writing:

Writing a letter to someone with whom you have a soul tie is a deeply personal and cathartic exercise. This practice allows you to express thoughts and emotions that may have been left unsaid, providing a sense of closure.

Setting the Scene:

Choose a quiet, comfortable spot where you feel safe and undisturbed. You might want to light a candle or play soft music to create a calming atmosphere conducive to reflection and emotional expression.

Writing From the Heart:

Begin your letter by directly addressing the person, even if you never plan to send it. Pour out your feelings, recount shared experiences, and articulate the impact of the soul tie on your life. Be honest and comprehensive—this is your opportunity to voice your deepest emotions without holding back.

Expressing Forgiveness and Letting Go:

Part of the healing process involves forgiveness. In your letter, explore the concept of forgiving the person, if applicable, and importantly, forgiving yourself. Conclude with a statement of release, affirming your decision to move forward free from the emotional bond that the soul tie represented.

Ritualistic Closure:

After finishing the letter, you might choose a ritual to symbolize its release. Some find solace in safely burning the letter, releasing its ashes to the wind, or burying them, signifying the end of that chapter. Others prefer to keep it in a special place as a reminder of their journey and growth.

Forgiveness Ceremony:

A forgiveness ceremony is a powerful ritual that marks the conscious decision to forgive and release the emotional chains of a soul tie. This ceremony can be as simple or elaborate as you wish, tailored to your personal healing journey.

Creating a Sacred Space:

Designate a peaceful area where you can perform this ceremony undisturbed. Decorate this space with items that hold personal significance or evoke a sense of serenity, such as candles, flowers, or sentimental objects.

Crafting Affirmations of Forgiveness:

Write down affirmations that resonate with your intention to forgive. These can be general statements of forgiveness or specific declarations addressing the soul tie. Examples include, “I release you from the bonds of my heart with love and forgiveness,” or “I forgive myself and embrace the freedom to heal and grow.”

The Ceremony:

Begin by grounding yourself through deep breathing or meditation. Light a candle to symbolize the start of the ceremony. Recite your affirmations aloud, focusing on the meaning behind each word. Visualize the act of forgiveness as a tangible release, envisioning the dissolution of the tie that binds you to the other person.

Releasing and Closing:

Conclude the ceremony by extinguishing the candle, symbolizing the completion of the forgiveness process. Take a moment to sit in the silence that follows, acknowledging the emotional release and the space you’ve created for new beginnings. You might choose to document your thoughts and feelings in a journal post-ceremony, reflecting on the experience and its significance in your healing journey.

cord cutting

Spiritual Cleansing Practices

Cord Cutting:

Cord-cutting is a powerful visualization technique used to sever the energetic bonds that tie us to another person. This practice can be particularly effective for those looking to release negative soul ties, offering a path to reclaim personal energy and promote healing.


Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. You may choose to light candles or incense to create a serene atmosphere. Begin by grounding yourself through deep breathing or a brief meditation to center your thoughts and emotions.

Visualization Process:

Visualize the person with whom you have the soul tie. Imagine a cord of energy that connects you to them. This cord may appear in any color, size, or shape that resonates with your perception of the tie. As you focus on this cord, envision yourself holding a pair of scissors, a sword, or any instrument that symbolizes strength and clarity to you.

Cutting the Cord:

With intention and compassion, visualize yourself cutting the cord. As you do, affirm your intention to release both yourself and the other person from the bond that no longer serves your highest good. You might say, “With love and respect, I release you and me from this tie.”

Healing the Space:

After cutting the cord, imagine the ends of the cord sealing with light, healing any wounds left by the separation. Fill yourself with a sense of peace and closure, knowing you have taken a significant step towards emotional freedom.

Closing the Ritual:

Conclude the practice by grounding yourself again, perhaps visualizing roots extending from your feet into the earth. Take a few deep breaths, and when you’re ready, gently open your eyes. You may choose to write down your experience or reflect on any feelings that arose during the practice.

Energy Clearing:

Energy clearing practices can be instrumental in removing residual energies from past connections and restoring your emotional and spiritual equilibrium.

Sage Smudging:

This ancient practice involves burning sage to purify your physical and energetic space. As you smudge your home or yourself, visualize the smoke carrying away any negative energies tied to the soul tie. Setting a clear intention for what you wish to release and invite in its place can enhance the effectiveness of this ritual.

Sound Baths:

Sound healing, through instruments like singing bowls, gongs, or tuning forks, uses vibration to restore balance to the body’s energy field. Participating in a sound bath can help dissolve energetic remnants of soul ties, fostering a sense of inner peace and clarity.

Reiki Healing:

Reiki is a form of energy healing that involves channeling universal energy to support emotional and physical healing. Seeking a Reiki session with a practitioner can help specifically target and release the energies associated with soul ties, aiding in your overall healing journey. You can join my free Reiki level 1 course here to learn how to get over a soul tie with universal life force energy.

Crystal Healing:

Utilizing crystals like black tourmaline, amethyst, or rose quartz can aid in the energy clearing process. These crystals can be used in meditation, placed in your living space, or carried with you to help absorb and transmute negative energies, promoting emotional healing and protection. Download the Free Crystal Guide today to find how to get over a soul tie and what crystals you can use.

Incorporating these spiritual cleansing practices into your routine can play a crucial role in healing from negative soul ties. By actively engaging in meditative cord-cutting and energy clearing rituals, you create space for new, positive energies to enter your life, marking a significant step in your journey towards emotional and spiritual renewal.

Physical Activities for Closure

Nature Walks:

Spending time in nature can be grounding and healing. Use walks in nature as a ritual to connect with the earth and release the energies of the soul tie. Each step can symbolize moving away from the past and towards new beginnings.

Yoga and Body Movement:

Yoga, dance, or any form of body movement can help release stored emotions and energies. Focus on intentions of release and healing during your practice, allowing your body to let go of the emotional ties.

soumate rituals for self-Love and renewal

Creating New Rituals for Self-Love and Renewal

How to get over a Soul Tie with Daily Affirmations:

Start your day with affirmations that affirm your worth, independence, and the joy of new beginnings. This practice can help shift your mindset and strengthen your emotional resilience.

Here are several affirmations designed to affirm your worth, celebrate your independence, and embrace the joy of new beginnings. These affirmations can be used each morning to set a positive tone for the day:

  1. “I am worthy of love and respect from myself and others.”
  2. “Each day is a fresh start, filled with new opportunities for growth and happiness.”
  3. “I release the past with love and gratitude for the lessons it has taught me.”
  4. “I am a complete and whole person on my own, and I embrace my independence.”
  5. “I trust the journey of my life to bring me the experiences and people that are meant for me.”
  6. “I am deserving of healthy, supportive, and loving relationships.”
  7. “My happiness comes from within me, and I choose joy in this new beginning.”
  8. “I am strong, resilient, and capable of overcoming any challenge that comes my way.”
  9. “I give myself permission to walk away from situations that no longer serve me.”
  10. “I am open to love, light, and positive energy flowing into my life.”
  11. “I am surrounded by abundance, and I attract positive soul ties into my life.”
  12. “I honor my journey and trust that everything is unfolding for my highest good.”
  13. “I am filled with peace, love, and joy, and I spread these energies wherever I go.”
  14. “I am empowered to create the life I desire and deserve.”
  15. “I am connected to a universe that supports my growth and transformation.”
soul tie vision board
how to get over a soul tie quickly

Create a Vision Board:

Visualize your life free from the soul tie and full of positive connections. Creating a vision board with images and words that represent your desires can help manifest this new reality.

A vision board is not just a collection of images and words; it’s a tangible representation of your deepest desires and aspirations. It serves as a daily reminder of where you’re headed, helping to align your thoughts and actions with your goals. Here’s how to make the most of this practice:

Selecting Your Board

Start with choosing a board that resonates with you. This could be a physical bulletin board, a large poster paper, or even a digital board using apps or websites designed for creating vision boards. The choice depends on your preference for interacting with your board—whether you enjoy the tactile experience of a physical board or the convenience and versatility of a digital one.

Gathering Inspiration

Begin by gathering images, quotes, affirmations, and symbols that resonate with your goals of healing from soul ties and building healthy relationships. Look for pictures that depict independence, joy, peace, and connection. Include words that reflect your values and aspirations, such as “freedom,” “growth,” “love,” and “harmony.” Magazines, online resources, and personal photos can all be excellent sources of inspiration.

Incorporating Elements of Your Future Self

Consider including elements that represent the person you aspire to be once you’ve fully healed and moved on from negative soul ties. This could be images of activities you wish to pursue, places you want to visit, or symbols of achievements you aim to accomplish. Visualizing your future self in this way helps to solidify your commitment to personal growth and the journey ahead.

Organizing Your Vision

As you start to assemble your vision board, think about the layout. You might want to organize it into sections that represent different areas of your life, such as personal growth, relationships, career, and spirituality. Alternatively, you could arrange it in a way that the flow of images and words naturally guides you through your vision for the future. There’s no right or wrong way to do this; follow your intuition and what feels most uplifting for you.

Interactive and Evolving

Remember, your vision board is a living document of your journey. As you grow and your desires evolve, feel free to update your board. Adding new images or words can reflect your changing goals and the new paths you’re exploring. Regularly interacting with your board, such as through meditation or reflection sessions, can enhance its power as a tool for manifestation.

Sharing and Accountability

Consider sharing your vision board with a trusted friend, family member, or a support group. This act of sharing can be incredibly powerful, offering you a sense of accountability and a shared celebration of your progress. It also invites positive energy and support from those who are aligned with your vision.

Creating and utilizing a vision board is a dynamic and creative process that encourages you to visualize and work towards a life free from negative soul ties and filled with positive, enriching connections. It’s a testament to the power of visualizing your desires and the role that focused intention plays in manifesting your ideal reality.

soul mate journal

Journaling for Growth:

Keep a journal to track your healing journey, noting down insights, feelings, and progress. This can be a therapeutic way to observe your growth and understand the lessons learned from the soul tie experience.

Setting Intentions:

Begin each journaling session by setting an intention. This could be to gain clarity on a specific emotion, to reflect on a recent experience, or simply to document your state of mind at the moment. Setting intentions helps to focus your journaling and gives each entry a purpose, making your reflections more meaningful.

soultie journal prompts
Frequent and Regular Entries:

Consistency is key in journaling. Aim to write regularly, whether daily, every other day, or weekly. The frequency isn’t as important as the regularity, creating a habit that ensures continuous reflection and growth. Over time, you’ll be able to see patterns in your thoughts and behavior that can lead to insightful revelations about your healing journey.

Mix of Formats:

Don’t limit yourself to just writing. Your journal can include drawings, poems, quotes that inspire you, or even clippings that resonate with your current feelings or goals. This mix of formats can enrich your journaling experience, making it a more comprehensive reflection of your inner world.

Reflect on the Soul Tie:

Dedicate parts of your journal to specifically reflect on the soul tie. Write about how it formed, its impact on you, and the steps you’re taking to heal. This focused reflection can help you understand the dynamics of the relationship, recognize patterns, and identify areas of personal growth.

Gratitude Entries:

Incorporate gratitude entries into your journal. Focusing on what you’re thankful for can shift your perspective from what you’ve lost to what you’ve gained, including the lessons learned from the soul tie experience. Gratitude journaling can be a powerful tool in fostering a positive mindset and appreciating the growth that comes from challenging experiences.

Keep Tabs on your Emotional Journey

Use your journal to track changes in your emotional landscape. Note shifts in your feelings about the soul tie, your healing progress, and how your perspectives on relationships and self-worth evolve. Seeing your evolution over time can be incredibly motivating and affirming.

Journal Prompts on How to Get over a Soul Tie

If you find yourself at a loss for words, consider using journal prompts to get started. Questions like “What did I learn about myself today?” or “How have I grown from my experiences with the soul tie?” can prompt deep reflection and insightful answers.

Remember, your journal is a safe space for your thoughts and feelings. Allow yourself to be completely honest and vulnerable in your entries. This openness is crucial for deep healing and personal growth. There’s no judgment here, only understanding and self-compassion.

Review and Reflect

Periodically, take time to review past journal entries. This can provide a tangible sense of how far you’ve come in your healing journey. Reflecting on your progress can be a source of encouragement and a reminder of your resilience and strength.

Incorporating journaling into your routine as you navigate the healing process from soul ties offers a multifaceted approach to understanding and nurturing your emotional well-being. It’s a practice that not only aids in the healing of past wounds but also in the cultivation of a future marked by growth, self-awareness, and enriched emotional connections.

Seeking Community and Shared Healing

Support Groups: Joining a support group or community of individuals who have gone through similar experiences can provide comfort and advice. Sharing your story and hearing others can be incredibly validating and healing.

These rituals and practices offer a holistic approach to overcoming soul ties, addressing the emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of healing. By incorporating these strategies into your journey, you can facilitate a deeper healing process, paving the way for healthier relationships and a renewed sense of self.

going forward twin soul

Positive Soul Ties:

Embracing Self-Discovery and Growth

The foundation of forming healthy soul ties is a deep understanding and love for oneself. Engaging in self-discovery and personal growth activities can enhance self-awareness, which is critical in attracting and nurturing positive relationships. Practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and continuous learning play a vital role in this journey.

Identifying and Seeking Positive Connections

Actively seek out relationships that encourage mutual growth, respect, and support. Positive soul ties often form with those who share similar values, aspirations, and levels of emotional maturity. It’s about finding people who uplift you, challenge you in constructive ways, and share a mutual respect and understanding.

Establishing Healthy Boundaries

Healthy boundaries are essential in any relationship, serving as a framework for how we interact with others. They help in maintaining a sense of self-respect and personal integrity, which are crucial for positive soul ties. Clearly communicating your needs, expectations, and limits can foster stronger, more respectful connections.

Spiritual Alignment and Shared Values

Sharing a spiritual bond or alignment can deepen the connection between individuals, creating a strong foundation for a positive soul tie. Whether it’s through shared religious beliefs, spiritual practices, or a mutual understanding of life’s deeper meanings, such spiritual connections can enrich relationships significantly.

Continuous Nurturing and Communication

Positive soul ties require ongoing attention and nurturing. Open, honest communication is key to resolving conflicts, understanding each other’s needs, and growing together. Regularly investing time and energy into these relationships ensures they remain strong and supportive.

The Role of Forgiveness and Letting Go

Forgiveness is a powerful tool in maintaining healthy relationships. Letting go of past grievances and choosing forgiveness over resentment can heal and strengthen soul ties. It’s about focusing on the present and future possibilities rather than being anchored to past hurts.


The journey of understanding, confronting, and overcoming soul ties—whether they stem from romantic relationships, deep friendships, family bonds, or spiritual connections—is profoundly personal and uniquely challenging. It requires courage to face the complexities of our emotions and the depth of our connections. Yet, this journey is also immensely rewarding, offering opportunities for growth, healing, and the formation of truly enriching relationships.

Learning How to get over a Soul Tie

Take a moment to reflect on the journey you’ve embarked upon. Recognizing and learning how to get over a soul tie is a significant step towards emotional freedom and spiritual fulfillment. Each step, from acknowledging the existence of a soul tie to actively seeking healing and fostering positive connections, is a testament to your strength and resilience.

Actionable Steps Forward

Continue Self-Discovery: Keep exploring your passions, values, and the depths of your spirit. Self-awareness is a powerful tool in forming healthy connections.

Practice Mindfulness and Forgiveness: Cultivate a practice of mindfulness to stay present and forgiving, both towards yourself and others. This fosters emotional health and strengthens your relationships.

Seek and Nurture Positive Relationships: Actively seek out and invest in relationships that support mutual growth and respect. Remember, the quality of your connections significantly impacts your well-being.

Maintain Healthy Boundaries: Continue to define and communicate your boundaries clearly. Healthy boundaries are crucial for maintaining respect and understanding in any relationship.

Embrace Professional Guidance When Needed: Don’t hesitate to seek professional help for navigating complex emotions and relationships. Therapists and counselors can offer valuable support and insights.

Moving Forward

As you move forward, remember that the journey of healing from negative soul ties and cultivating positive ones is ongoing. It’s a path filled with learning, growth, and opportunities for deepening your understanding of yourself and your connections with others. Embrace each step with compassion, openness, and the willingness to grow.

I hope this guide is helping you as you journey through the ups and downs of your soul tie.  You should now know that it is not all about how to get over a soul tie. It is about learning the lessons you need to and to grow from it. Remember the strength to heal, grow, and form meaningful connections lies within you always. Let yourself be guided by your resilience and the support of those who truly care.


Don’t forget to download the gow to get over a soul tie guide here. You can also still join my free online reiki level 1 course to learn how to heal yourself with the powerful light of the universal life force energy. This extensive reiki energy healing course, includes all modules from the reiki level 1 syllabus. You can sign up Free here.

For more content on soulmates, twin souls, astrology, manifestation intuitive guidance and energy healing follow me on instagram here.


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