Astrology Forecast, Horoscope & Zodiac Resources
Astrology forecast work and planetary energy themes and moon phases are my jam. In this blog I will cover monthly astrology forecasts and celestial predictions. Apart from giving you insight into the energy themes of the month, I will provide you with info on the moon phases, monthly and yearly horoscopes for all signs, zodiac compatibility readings and other astrology news and topics. So read on if you want to learn more about the current celestial infuences and how you can the energy to your advantage to live a prosperous and abundant life!
Astrology 101
Weekly Horoscope February 26
Astrology Forecast October
Astrology Forecast
Are you interested in your Astrology Forecast? Do you want to learn how to create your own astrological charts? I am currently working on a new course, where I will teach you just that. The various online video modules will teach you all about the zodiac signs and their traits. This course will give you deep insight into ascendants, the astrological houses and plantery aspects. Moreover, it will cover how to create long term and short term astrology forecast and compatibility charts. I will be teaching you about the influence of the moon and its different phases, moon signs, eclipses and mucb much more. The course includes a certificate on completion. Additionally I will provide you with a lot of downloadabe content and worksheets to support your learning.
If this sounds like something you be interested in reserve your place by putting your name on the waiting list.
In the meantime, you can sign up for my free online reiki course. Join my Facebook Group to learn more about energy healing.
For more free resources on spritual growth, ayurveda and energy healing check the rest of my blog.
Also make sure to follow me also on instagram for the montly astrology forecastand more content on energy healing and spiritual growth.